JUDUL PENGARANG TAHUN FINANCE AND STRATEGY BELE ́N VILLALONGA 2014 Operational Risk Modelling and Management Michael K. Ong 2010 Contributions to Management Science Hasan Dincer 2017 International Dimensions of Sustainable Management René Schmidpeter, Nicholas Capaldi 2019 Edinburgh Guides to Islamic Finance Rania Abdelfattah Salem 2013 Finance and Capital Markets Series Greg N. Gregoriou 2007 Operational Risk Management-Palgrave Macmillan UK Imad A. Moosa 2007 Future Perspectives in Risk Models and Finance lain Bensoussan, Dominique Guégan, Charles S. Tapiero 2015 Portfolio Theory and Risk Management MACIEJ J. CAPINSKI 2014 The Oxford handbook of pricing management Özer, Özalp_ Phillips, Robert L 2012 Financial Risk Management for Islamic Banking and Finance Ioannis Akkizidis, Sunil Kumar Khandelwal 2008 A Guide to Advanced Financial Management Jamie Rogers 2013 Technology Management in Financial Services Ross McGill 2008 Operational Risk Management in Banks Birindelli, Giuliana 2017 Understanding Financial Risk Management Angelo Corelli 2014 Business Implications Cornelius Herstatt 2015 Liquidity Management A Funding Risk Handbook Aldo Soprano 2015 (Wiley Finance) Risk Management in Trading_ Techniques to Drive Profitability of Hedge Funds and Trading Desks-Wiley (2014) Davis Edwards 2014 (Wiley Finance) Creating Strategic Value through Financial Technology Jay D. Wilson Jr. 2017 Risk Management in Banking Joel Bessis 2015 (Wiley Finance) - Quantitative Financial Risk Management Michael B. Miller 2018 Liquidity Risk Management_ A Practitioner’s Perspective-Wiley (2016) Shyam Venkat, Stephen Baird 2016 Corporate Risk Management for International Business Ayse Kucuk Yilmaz, Triant Flouris 2017 Financial Markets Operations Management Keith Dickinson 2015 Risk Management in Finance and Logistics Chunhui Xu, Takayuki Shiina 2018 Risk Management and Legal Documentations in Islamic Finance Ahcene Lahsasna 2014 Risk Management and Financial Institutions John C. Hull 2018 The Budget and Economic Outlook: Fiscal Years 2008 to 2018 CBO 2008 Implementing An Information Security Management System_ Security Management Based On ISO 27001 Abhishek Chopra, Mukund Chaudhary 2020 Accounting for Managers William H. Webster, CPA 2004 Antecedents of the difference in perceived risk between store brands and national brands Celina Gonza ́lez Mieres 2005 Beyond branding: from abstraction to cubism Nicholas Ind Equilibrium Consulting Majorstuen, Oslo, Norway 2006 Brand equity: is it more important in services? Balaji C. Krishnan 2001 Brand equity: the halo effect measure Lance Leuthesser, 1994 Brand equity valuation: a global perspective Reza Motameni 1998 Brand globally, market locally Brand globally, market locally 2004 Brand Knowledge Management: Growing Brand Equity Ian Richards, Director 1998 Brands and brand equity: definition and management Lisa Wood 2000 CAREER SATISFACTION Christopher R. Edgar. 2008 SUPPLY CHAIN ANALYSIS Christopher S. Tang 2008 Corporate Finance Principles & Practice Denzil Watson 2007 Enterprise Risk Management in Finance Desheng Dash Wu 2015 Dictionary Of Financial and Business Terms Lico Reis 1996 Does brand trust matter to brand equity? Elena Delgado-Ballester 2005 Dual branding: how corporate names add value John Saunders 1996 The Effect of Product Performance Fred Selnes 1993 Equity in corporate co-branding Judy Motion 2003 Ethical branding and corporate reputation Ying Fan 2005 Extending your brand by optimizing your customer relationship Scott Davis 2002 Financial Statement Analysis MARTIN FRIDSON 2002 Five Secrets of High Performing Organizations Jon Chavez 2006 Hiring the Best and the Brightest Sherrie Gong Taguchi 2002 How much of brand equity is explained by trust? Tim Ambler 1997 HR management-strategies and environment Human Resource Management: Ethics and Employment Ashly H. Pinnington 2007 Human Resource Management Virtual University of Pakistan 2003 Human Resource Management: Ethics and Employment Ashly H. Pinnington 2007 MAN, ECONOMY, AND STATE MURRAY N. ROTHBARD 2004 Misplaced marketing Elizabeth Taylor Quilliam 2006 Online branding Jennifer Rowley 2004 OUTSOURCING HUMAN RESOURCES ACTIVITIES OF A MULTINATIONAL COMPANY IN EUROPE Mathilde RENAUX 2003 The Principle of Macroeconomics GREGORY MANKIW Implementation Management of an E-Commerce-Enabled Enterprise Information System: A Case Study at Texas Instruments R. P. Sundarraj 2006 Strategic Financial Management Casebook Rajesh Kumar 2017 Renaissance: a case study in brand revitalization and strategic realignment Michael T. Ewing 1995 Strategic Financial Management Exercises Robert Alan Hill 2014 Strategic Financial Management Robert Alan Hill 2014 Mathematical Methods for Finance SERGIO M. FOCARDI 2013 SHINE At Work: Your 30-Minute Guide Long Yun Siang 2006 The artist and the brand Jonathan E. Schroeder 2005 The corporate brand association base Henrik Uggla 2006 The death of brand deference: can brand management stop the rot? Simon Knox 1997 The effects of promotional activities on brand decision in the cellular telephone industry Chu-Mei Liu 2002 The Ideology of Political Correctness and Its Effect on Brand Strategy Lea Prevel Katsanis 1994 The New Paradigm for Financial Markets GEORGE SOROS 2008 The role of company image as brand equity Barbara Ross-Wooldridge 2004 To build brand equity marketing alone is not enough Richard Schreuer 2000 Web equity: a framework for building consumer value in online companies Christine Page 2002