Berikut daftar Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi
- Blood Cancer Journal (NATURE)

- Journal of the National Cancer Center (SCIENCE DIRECT)

- Molecular Cancer (BMC)

+- Emerging Microbes and Infections (TAYLOR & FRANCIS

- PLoS Pathogens (PLOS)

- Virulence (TAYLOR & FRANCIS)

- Journal of Infectious Diseases (ACADEMIC)

- Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection (SCIENCE DIRECT)

+- Neurobiology of Stress (SCIENCE DIRECT)

- Neurobiology of Disease (SCIENCE DIRECT)

- Neuroscience of Consciousness (ACADEMIC)

- Neurobiology of Language (DIRECT MIT)

- Neurology: Neuroimmunology and NeuroInflammation (NEUROLOGI)

+- Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology,The (THE LANCET)

- Endocrine Reviews (ACADEMIC)

- Nature Reviews Endocrinology (NATURE)

- Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism (CELL PRESS)

- Endocrine Pathology (SPRINGER NATURE)

+- Journal of Extracellular Vesicles (TAYLOR & FRANCIS)

- European Journal of Cell Biology (SCIENCE DIRECT)

- Matrix Biology Plus (SCIENCE DIRECT)

- Adipocyte (TAYLOR & FRANCIS)

- European Journal of Histochemistry (PAGE PRESS)


- Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences (CAMBRIDE)

- Emerging Microbes and Infections (TAYLOR & FRANCIS)

- Clinical Epidemiology (TAYLOR & FRANCIS)

+Hukum Kedokteran
- BMC Medical Ethics (BMC)

- Medical Law Review (ACADEMIC)

- Journal of Health and Social Behavior (SAGE JOURNAL)

Pengembangan Kompetensi tenaga Kesehatan
+- Evaluation & the Health Professions (SAGE JOURNAL)

- International Journal of Nursing Sciences (SCIENCE DIRECT)

- Journal of Renal Care (WILEY)

Evaluasi Pendidikan Kedokteran
- Advances in Medical Education and Practice (TAYLOR & FRANCIS)

- Medical Education (WILEY)

- BMC Medical Education (BMC)

- Medical Teacher (TAYLOR & FRANCIS)

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